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Happy Labour Day 2021

Updated time: Apr 29, 2021, 05:30 (UTC+03:00)

Dear valued customers and partners,

In the spirit of 2021's Labour Day, on behalf of our team at DNBC Financial Europe, we would like to express our great appreciation towards every person who helped shape this world we are living in, little by little.

Happy Labour Day 2021

(Happy Labour Day from our team at DNBC Financial Europe)

From the workers, builders, cooks, and caretakers; to the business people, lawyers, and lawmakers; to the inventors, artists, and musicians;  to the young entrepreneurs. Your dedication, skills and knowledge have given us all everything we have today.

Thank you for never stop contributing. Thank you for being in this in the long run. Thank you for continuing to add to this world.

We would also want to take this opportunity to send a big thank you to our wonderful team for continuing to thrive above your station to help every client in need of international financial assistance, and for carrying the name “DNBC Financial Europe” with pride.

Here at DNBC Financial Europe, we are honored to be helping every person and every business to grow globally.

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We are always proud of being an experienced Financial Institution in the global financial payment market.

We provide the best payment platform as well as worldwide money remittance service. DNBC Financial Canada Limited can assist you with different payment methods, whether it is a personal account or a business account.

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